For most purchases, there is no limit to how much cash back you can earn!
However, there is a limit on how much cash back you can earn on large purchases. You can earn cash back up to a maximum of $250 per venue per day.
Merchants can award as much cash back as they want, during various times of the week!
Make sure to pay with your linked credit/debit card whenever you’re at a LuckyDiem Merchant . The cash back earned from your purchases will automatically be credited to your account (see purchases and payments section). Use the wallet feature in the navigation bar to help keep track of your cash back.
To see how much cash back is being offered at a merchant during a particular time, please check the restaurant's profile. You will be able to view a breakdown of percentages based on time of day and other prizes they might be offering.
What you need to know:
The cash back is based off of your subtotaled bill (estimated tax and tip are not included).
You will only be able to earn cash back with your linked cards.